The Blog is Back!

After several years of nothing, my blog is finally working again (fingers-crossed)!!!

I truly am at a loss to explain what happened. It’s been so long, I can’t attribute it to anything specifically that I installed or failed to install, or migrate, or deleted… Who knows. I know this Twitter feed thing isn’t working right. I need to find out what else is broken. I doubt all the pictures show up correctly, but they appear on and off on the backend.

I’d recently decided to move my blog from WordPress to Jekyll, as I’m doing so much with learning to code these days. I thought it would be a nice experiment, and also I’d have more control over the output. It might be a good idea to continue with this anyway, since I am not sure how long this will last. However I’m currently having issues with Ruby and Jekyll, and not all of the plug-ins that are supposed to work seem like they are working.

On the other hand, this might be a good excuse to dive more deeply (or start, really) learning about WordPress customizations, theme development, and WordPress administration customization. More PHP and MySQL stuff, which is where I was headed anyway.

In any case, I feel excited…finally!!

For more information about migrating a WordPress blog to Jekyll, there are a few resources that might be helpful – although if there can be trouble, there probably will be!