Fun Online Courses from

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I’ve been really impressed with the quality of education available on edX. Most of the courses I’v taken have been very informative. I usually look for courses that are professionally advantageous or just interesting. I’ve seen a few that look especially fun and interesting.

All of these courses can be audited for free, and most of them have a modest or moderate fee for a verified certificate. A SeriesX course, described below, is a bit more expensive, because it consists of a few classes.

Here’s my list of fun courses on edX.

XSeries Programs

XSeries Programs consist of a “series of courses to develop deep knowledge in interesting and popular subjects”. For instance, I recently completed a 5-part course on Chinese history from HarvardX.

Star Trek: Inspiring Culture and Technology

What you will learn

  • Learn why we should study Star Trek as a lens for media scholars to analyze the history of television, the impact of science fiction on technology, and the phenomenon of fandom
  • Explore how Star Trek depicted a future where humans were explorers of the universe – serving as an inspiration to individuals and government agencies deeply involved in the race to get human beings into space for the first time
  • Understand how Star Trek’s diverse crew prompted audiences to reconsider their own perceptions of different races and genders
  • Reflect on how Star Trek depicted various characters working to understand themselves and their place in the universe
  • Recognize how Star Trek inspires reflection on our own humanity and our place in the universe

Remotely Humorous: Build Joyful and Resilient Virtual Teams with Humor

Venn diagram from HumorX, with humor, leadership, and impact overlapping

What you will learn

  • The neuroscience of laughter, and how it proves humor is a superpower for building more connected, creative, and resilient virtual teams.
  • How to unlock your unique sense of humor on the job and cultivate more levity and joy with colleagues and team members in your virtual workplace.
  • Comedy techniques from the pros for becoming more confident and skilled in using humor at work and in life.
  • The strengths and growth areas of your organization’s culture, along with virtual team building exercises to foster a more effective and joyful workplace.
  • The definitive punchline to “Why did the chicken cross the road?”

Single Courses

And now here are a few individual courses from different universities and institutions around the world. Maybe you can pick up a theme? 🙂

WageningenX: The Science of Beer

Are you interested in more than just the taste of beer? Discover what’s in your beer, how it’s made and marketed and the effect it has on your body and health.

What you’ll learn

  • Identify the steps involved in the supply chain of beer
  • Explain the effect of each step in beer production
  • Design a production process for different beer styles
  • Describe the characteristics and cultivation of the main raw materials
  • Name the main historical events related to beer
  • Explain how marketers try to influence consumer behaviour.
  • Describe the pathway of beer through the human body
  • Look at the health effects related to beer consumption

TrinityX: The World History of Modern Wine

What you’ll learn

  • Major trends and changes in global wine production, trade and consumption over the past three hundred years
  • The concepts, methods and resources that historians use to think about the history of wine
  • How wine taste and quality have changed over time
  • When and how the wine industry has responded to crisis and change
  • How to start your own research into the history of your favorite wines

SmithsonianX: The Rise of Superheroes and Their Impact On Pop Culture

What you’ll learn

  • The history and origins of the first superheroes and comic books, and how they changed over time
  • The evolution of American society from the Depression to today, as viewed through the lens of the comic book genre
  • How the current globalization and diversity of the next generation of superheroes impacts our storytelling across all mediums
  • How to apply historical examples to create superheroes for the present day

AdelaideX: World of Wine: From Grape to Glass

What you’ll learn

  • Evaluate and communicate the various sensory attributes of wine using formal descriptive language
  • Explain the structure, growth and development of grapevines and objectives of different vineyard management practices
  • Contrast the different winemaking techniques employed in the production of different styles of wine

That’s it! I have other interesting courses on my list, but these courses look extra fun and interesting.